24x7 News Alerts

Get relevant news alerts from social media handles and websites of major newspapers, TV channels, and independent news portals


The service monitors news content posted on social media handles and websites of:
  • Mainstream business and general newspapers in English and French.
  • Business magazines, general magazines, and trade journals
  • Independent news portals
  • Major English and French television channels
  • Independent journalists and agencies
  • World leaders and social media influencers

What you get

  • News alerts on email, Whatsapp, or other messenger
  • Alerts including a headline, a link to the online version and optionally a small image
  • Some alerts including a screenshot of social media posts
  • Fully functional alerts which you can browse and share


The service provides content on thousands of topics such as politics, business, stock markets, and social issues.
The service allows you to create customised topics including news about your organisation, brands, competitors, customers and industry.


The service is available 24 hours, 7 days a week (or at business hours as needed by you).
An unlimited number of recipients can receive the service.
Our clients